Channel: Daniel Pradilla – Daniel Pradilla

10 things I learned while setting up five masternodes

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been experimenting with masternodes as alternatives/replacements to traditional crypto mining rigs. Like with many other crypto-related things, I was surprised »

Linear optimization with or-tools: containerizing a gunicorn web application


Previously, we left our app working with our local python+gunicorn+nginx installation. In order to get there we had to do quite a bit of configuration and if we wanted »

How to build an API for SAP HANA using strongloop/loopback


One of the aspects I like the most about SAP HANA is the cloud app development environment that allows you to quickly put together a data-entry app using Fiori.

Recently, I wanted »

How to connect to SAP HANA using JDBC


Recently I had to connect a Java application to SAP HANA and I made some notes along the way:

The first step is to get the SAP HANA JDBC driver, a file called ngdbc.jar. »

Getting IP location information with Angular 7


Using Angular Maps Components and a new service called ipapi, you will be able to quickly put together something that will allow you to get IP information from a client »

Recommender system for finding subject matter experts using the Enron email corpus


During an interview process, I was tasked with a little project to create a recommender system to find mentors inside an organization, using Natural Language Processing. That was the perfect »

Protected: Readability scoring of document corpora

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Uploading and downloading documents from Amazon S3 using bash


You need to upload a file to S3 and cannot install new packages in the server, nor the s3 client tools. You only have bash, openssl and sed. Go.

I found and adapted a script by Viktor Szakats, that creates all the proper headers expected by the latest AWS API. I »

10 things I learned while deploying my first python function to AWS Lambda


I spent a few days on and off trying to deploy a Flask REST service to AWS Lambda, just to experience what »

Classifying fruits with a Convolutional Neural Network in Keras


I followed a tutorial on Convolutional Neural Networks that left many questions unanswered. Soon I realized that the actual process of architecting a Neural Network and setting the parameters seemed to be much more experimental than I thought. It took a while to find explanations that a rookie like »

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